This pack weighs in at 15.5 lbs. base weight and 23 lbs including 3 packs of food and 3.5 liters of water!
MOUNTAINTOP 55L Hiking Internal Frame Backpack Backpacking for Men with Rain Cover. Weighs in at 3.3 lbs.
Click here for the best available price on the MOUNTAINTOP 55L Hiking Internal Frame Backpack on Amazon.
This is a look inside my trekking pack. It weighs in at 15.5 lbs. base weight and 23 lbs. when loaded for a 2-3 day trek including 3 packs of food, 3.5 liters of water (almost 1 gallon) and 1 canister of fuel for cooking. Add a few snack bars and you can still be under 24 lbs.
Trekking packs are backpacks designed for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy long-distance hiking, backpacking, and trekking adventures. These packs are typically larger and more durable than regular backpacks, with capacities ranging from 40 to 100 liters or more. They are designed to carry heavy loads comfortably, with features such as padded hip belts, adjustable shoulder straps, and sturdy frames to distribute weight evenly. Trekking packs also offer a range of organizational compartments and external attachment points for gear such as sleeping bags, tents, and trekking poles. Some trekking packs are even designed to be weather-resistant, with waterproof coatings or rain covers to protect gear from the elements. Trekking packs are an essential piece of gear for serious hikers and trekkers, as they provide the necessary space and support to carry all the gear needed for a multi-day outdoor adventure.
Trekking gear refers to the equipment and accessories that hikers and trekkers use to safely and comfortably explore the great outdoors. Some essential trekking gear includes sturdy and comfortable hiking boots, moisture-wicking clothing, and high-quality socks to prevent blisters. Trekking poles can also be helpful for maintaining balance and reducing the strain on joints. Other important gear includes a backpack or trekking pack, a sleeping bag and pad, a tent or shelter, and cooking supplies for preparing meals on the trail. Navigation tools such as maps, compasses, and GPS devices are also crucial for ensuring that hikers stay on the right path. For longer and more challenging treks, gear such as crampons, ice axes, and ropes may be necessary to navigate snow, ice, and other difficult terrain. Choosing the right trekking gear can make the difference between an enjoyable outdoor adventure and a dangerous and uncomfortable trek.
River Country Products One Person Trekking Pole Tent, Ultralight Backpacking Tent. Weighs in at 2.8 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the One Person Trekking Pole Tent on Amazon.
TrailBuddy Trekking Poles – Lightweight, Collapsible Hiking Poles for Backpacking Gear – Pair of 2 Walking Sticks for Hiking, 7075 Aluminum with Cork Grip

Click here for the best available price on the TrailBuddy Trekking Poles on Amazon.
Snugpak Softie Elite 3 Sleeping Bag 3.5 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Snugpak Softie Elite 3 Sleeping Bag on Amazon.
USGI Industries Military Style Poncho Multi Use Rip Stop Camouflage Rain Poncho. Weighs in at 1.2 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the USGI Industries Military Style Poncho on Amazon.
Klymit Static V Recon Lightweight Sleeping Pad. Weighs in at 0.5 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Klymit Static V Recon on Amazon.
LED Beanie with Light, Unisex USB Rechargeable Hands Free 4 LED Headlamp Cap. Weighs in at 0.22 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the LED Beanie with Light on Amazon.
Texas Bushcraft Tactical Shemagh – Authentic Keffiyeh 100% Cotton for your Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Gear. Weighs in at 0.2 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Texas Bushcraft Tactical Shemagh on Amazon.
GRAYL UltraPress 16.9 oz Water Purifier & Filter Bottle for Hiking, Backpacking, Survival, Travel. Weighs in at 0.78 lbs empty. 1.0 lbs full.

Click here for the best available price on the GRAYL UltraPress 16.9 oz Water Purifier & Filter Bottle on Amazon.
Camelbak 100 Ounce Mil-Spec Antidote Reservoir Short 90854. Weighs in at 0.55 lbs empty. 6.25 lbs full.

Click here for the best available price on the Camelbak 100 Ounce Mil-Spec Antidote Reservoir on Amazon.
TOAKS Titanium 750ml Pot. Weighs in a 0.24 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the TOAKS Titanium 750ml Pot on Amazon.
OUTXE Titanium 2 in 1 Fork and Spoon Combo 2-Pack Ultra Lightweight Camping Utensil, Eco-Friendly Spork for Backpacking, Hiking, Outdoors. Weighs in at 0.04 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the OUTXE Titanium 2 in 1 Fork and Spoon Combo on Amazon.
Fire-Maple FMS-116T Titanium Backpacking Stove, Outdoor Camping Ultralight Gear, Essential for Earthquake Emergency Kit. Weighs in at 0.11 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Fire-Maple FMS-116T Titanium Backpacking Stove on Amazon.
Mountain House Homestyle Chicken Noodle Casserole | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | Survival & Emergency Food. Three packs weigh in at 1.5 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food on Amazon.
GasOne Camping Fuel Blend Isobutane Fuel Canister 100g (4 Pack). Weighs in at 0.22 lbs each. I pack one so total weight is 0.22 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the GasOne Camping Fuel Blend on Amazon.
First Aid
Kitgo Small First Aid Kit 170 Piece Medical Kits Christmas Gifts for Mother – Waterproof Compact Mini Emergency Trauma Kit for Home, Travel, Camping, Hiking, Car, Workplace, Outdoors. Weighs in at 0.65 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Kitgo Small First Aid Kit on Amazon.
Sun Company ProSight Sighting Map Compass with Adjustable Declination – Lightweight Orienteering Baseplate Compass for Hiking, Backpacking, and Survival Navigation | Professional Grade Compass. Weighs in at 0.26 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the Sun Company ProSight Sighting Map Compass on Amazon.
Hiking Maps of National Forests

Click here for the best available price on the Hiking Maps of National Forests on Amazon.
Bushnell PRO Rechargeable 400L Multi-Color Headlamp. High/low spot mode, high/low flood mode, and red mode. Rated IPX4 weather resistant. 0.21 lbs

Click here for the best available price on the Bushnell PRO Rechargeable 400L Multi-Color Headlamp on Amazon.
Fire-Maple Orange Camping Gas Lantern | Glass, Steel & Aluminum | Propane or Isobutane Fuel | Beautiful Lighting and Camping Lantern

Click here for the best available price on the Fire-Maple Orange Camping Gas Lantern on Amazon.
Fire Starting
BIC Classic Lighter, Fashion Assorted Colors, 10-Pack. 1 lighter weighs in at 0.06 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the BIC Classic Lighter 10-Pack on Amazon.
UCO Stormproof Match Kit with Waterproof Case, 25 Stormproof Matches and 3 Strikers. Weighs in at 0.11 lbs.

Click here for the best available price on the UCO Stormproof Match Kit on Amazon.
Other Tools
Click here for A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Perfect Multitool for Camping and Hiking
Gerber Gear 30-001425N Center-Drive Needle Nose Pliers Multitool, with M4 Bit Set, Coyote Brown Molle Sheath. 0.59 lbs

Click here for the best available price on the Gerber Gear 30-001425N Center-Drive Needle Nose Pliers Multitool on Amazon.
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